University of Bergen (UiB)
Institute of Solid Earth Physics (IFJ)
Allé gt. 41, N-5007 Bergen, Norway
Tel: (+47) 5558 3420 Fax: 5558 9669

News June 11, 7:00 UTM:
Started shooting line 4 (the last one). Apart from a worn-out air pigtail cable, the equipment
performs ok. Data quality seems fine.

Dr. Haflidi Haflidason, Department of Geology at the University of Bergen, participates in the "Continental Slope Stability" (COSTA) and Stratagem programs. These programs - all members of a group denoted "Ocean Margin Deep-water Research Consortium" (OMARC) - receive funding from the European Union "Fifth Framework Programme". OMARC aims to study the geology and ecology of continental margins and deep water regions.

The COSTA and Stratagem programs include marine seismic surveying. Dr. Haflidason is responsible for the Norwegian Sea survey scheduled for June 2002. These web pages provide information on instrumentation related issues. Institute of Solid Earth Physics contributes planning and logistics support.

COSTA and Stratagem background

COSTA home

Statagem home

Link to all OMARC members

European Union "Fifth Framework Programme" home

COSTA / Statagem Survey 2002 overview

Period 8 .- 20. June 2002
Survey Area Norwegian Sea
Vessel RV "Håkon Mosby"
  • Block diagram
  • Ship's Survey computer - Navigation Data
  • Airguns
  • Streamer
  • Recording System
Personnel Remove brackets around @ in email address (anti-spam measure).
  • Project leader
    Dr. Haflidi Haflidason; Department of Geology
    Ph.: (+47) 5558 3501
    Email: haflidi.haflidason[@]
  • Field Engineer
    Erik Grindheim
  • Planning, logistics
    Senior Engineer Ole Meyer, Inst. of Solid Earth Physics
    Ph.: (+47) 5558 3421
    Email: ole.meyer[@]

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Last update: June 11, 2002 (OM)