program geometry cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c compute receiver coordinates along curved line c c input file should contain 3 columns with: c shot_point_number source_UTM_east source_UTM_north c c output file will contain 8 columns with: c shot_point_number receiver_group_number source_UTM_east \ c source_UTM_north receiver_UTM_east receiver_UTM_north \ c CMP_number offset c c an additional file named 'cmp.dat' will be generated consisting of c 7 columns: CMP_number shot_point_number receiver_group_number \ c CMP_UTM_east CMP_UTM_north CMP_inline CMP_crossline c (all coordinates in meters) cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none integer maxnsp,i,j,isp,lsp,nsp,ng,cmp,icmp parameter (maxnsp=10000) double precision sp(maxnsp),xc(maxnsp),yc(maxnsp),dist(maxnsp), + splx(maxnsp),sply(maxnsp),w1(maxnsp),w2(maxnsp), + x1,x2,y1,y2,ss,sg,ds,dg,dd,d1,d2,xs,ys,xr,yr, + spl3,dx,dy,x0,y0,xm,ym,dcmp,xil,yxl,offset character*80 infile,outfile write(*,*)'Name of file with UTM coordinates of shot points:' read(*,*)infile open(10,file=infile,status='old') lsp=0 do 10 i=1,maxnsp read(10,*,end=11)isp,xc(i),yc(i) sp(i)=isp if (lsp.eq.0) write(*,*)'First shot is',isp if (lsp.eq.0) lsp=isp-1 if (isp.eq.lsp) write(*,*)'Duplicate shot',isp if ( write(*,*)'Duplicate shots',lsp,'-',isp if ((isp-lsp).eq.2) write(*,*)'Missing shot',lsp+1 if ((isp-lsp).gt.2) write(*,*)'Missing shots',lsp+1,'-',isp-1 lsp=isp 10 continue 11 nsp=i-1 write(*,*)'Last shot is',lsp close(10) write(*,*)'Distance between antenna and source (m):' read(*,*) d1 c d1=67. write(*,*)'Distance between source and first hydrophone group (m): +' read(*,*) d2 write(*,*)'Distance between hydrophone groups (m):' read(*,*) dg write(*,*)'Number of hydrophone groups:' read(*,*) ng write(*,*)'Distance between CMPs (m):' write(*,*)'(Typically half the distance between hydrophone groups) +' read(*,*) dcmp c dcmp=dg/2 write(*,*)'CMP number below first shot point:' read(*,*)icmp write(*,*)'Name of output file:' read(*,*)outfile c compute spline coefficients for x and y coordinates c as function of shot number call zspl3(nsp,sp,xc,w1,w2,splx) call zspl3(nsp,sp,yc,w1,w2,sply) c compute distance along curved line by dividing distance between c shots in 16, interpolate coordinates and sum line segments dist(1)=0. do 20 i=1,nsp-1 dd=0. x1=xc(i) y1=yc(i) ss=sp(i) ds=(sp(i+1)-sp(i))/16. do 22 j=1,16 ss=ss+ds x2=spl3(nsp,sp,xc,splx,ss) y2=spl3(nsp,sp,yc,sply,ss) dd=dd+dsqrt((x2-x1)**2+(y2-y1)**2) x1=x2 y1=y2 22 continue dist(i+1)=dist(i)+dd 20 continue c compute spline coefficients for x and y coordinates c as function of distance along curved line call zspl3(nsp,dist,xc,w1,w2,splx) call zspl3(nsp,dist,yc,w1,w2,sply) c compute coefficients of inline-crossline coordinate system dx=xc(nsp)-xc(1) dy=yc(nsp)-yc(1) dd=dsqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) dx=dx/dd dy=dy/dd x0=xc(1) y0=yc(1) c open output file open(11,file=outfile,status='unknown') open(12,file='cmp.dat',status='unknown') do 30 i=1,nsp isp=sp(i) ss=dist(i)-d1 if ( then xs=spl3(nsp,dist,xc,splx,ss) ys=spl3(nsp,dist,yc,sply,ss) else dd=dsqrt((xc(2)-xc(1))**2+(yc(2)-yc(1))**2) xs=xc(1)+ss*(xc(2)-xc(1))/dd ys=yc(1)+ss*(yc(2)-yc(1))/dd endif do 35 j=1,ng sg=ss-d2-(j-1)*dg if ( then xr=spl3(nsp,dist,xc,splx,sg) yr=spl3(nsp,dist,yc,sply,sg) else dd=dsqrt((xc(2)-xc(1))**2+(yc(2)-yc(1))**2) xr=xc(1)+sg*(xc(2)-xc(1))/dd yr=yc(1)+sg*(yc(2)-yc(1))/dd endif xm=(xs+xr)/2 ym=(ys+yr)/2 xil=dx*(xm-x0)+dy*(ym-y0) yxl=-dy*(xm-x0)+dx*(ym-y0) cmp=icmp+nint(xil/dcmp) offset=dsqrt((xs-xr)**2+(ys-yr)**2) write(11,'(i5,i4,4i8,i6,i5)')isp,j,nint(xs),nint(ys), + nint(xr),nint(yr),cmp,nint(offset) write(12,'(2i6,i4,2i8,i7,i5)')cmp,isp,j,nint(xm),nint(ym), + nint(xil),nint(yxl) 35 continue 30 continue close(11) close(12) end