<%@LANGUAGE="VBScript"%> Signatur Brann Innstrukser
<% Dim name 'LogFile to Firedocumentation strTextFile = Server.MapPath("BrannLog.txt") 'create an instance of a FileSytemObject object Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Saves the viables in the forms to LogFile If Len(Request.Form("cmdAppend")) Then 'append contents of TEXTAREA to file strNewText = Request.Form("txtContent") & "," & Request.Form("txtFirst") & " " & Request.Form("txtDate") arrLines = Split(strNewText, vbCrLf) Set objTStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strTextFile, ForAppending, False) For intLine = 0 To UBound(arrLines) strThisLine = arrLines(intLine) If Len(strThisLine) > 4 Then objTStream.WriteLine Mid(strThisLine, 1) Next objTStream.Close 'Display the signature name = Request.Form("txtContent") first = Request.Form("txtFirst") response.write("Thank you " & first & " " & name & " for reading this document") 'Transfer information to SaveFile.asp Server.Transfer "SaveFile.asp" End If %>

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