CRUSTAL STRUCTURE OF ALBANIA Edmond Dushi and Jens Havskov Data to reproduce the results of crustal structure study. The SEISAN software is found at /seisan/info. The program needed used for location grid search is hyp. There are detailed descriptions in the manual (section 38.2) on how to use hyp and other programs for testing many models. Programs from SEISAN used: hyp: location program. hyp_count_phases: program to count phases in different layers. ttlocal: calculates synthetic arrival times. gridmin: average of the 30 best models or any other number of models. compare_hyp: compare ISC to original locations. Data files: readings for the 108 events used, in Nordic format. Alse has original locations, code ORG and ISC locations, code ISC file with ISC and original location (ORG). Is a subset of STATION0.HYP: file with stations and start model etc. h_models.par: the parameter file used to generate the final model using program hyp and