Corn cake: 3 tea cup of corn flour 1 tea cup of wheat flour 1,5 tea cup of coconut 20 soup spoons of sugar (I would say it's 1,5 tea cup) 8 soup spoons of butter 4 tea cups of milk Turn on the oven. Fill a tray with water and it put on the oven. Mix the flours and the sugar, and put it appart. (1) Mix the milk, coconut and butter, until it boils. (2) Put the 2 into 1, litlle by little, mixing well. Cover the vessel. Low the oven to 200C. Put the vessel in the tray with water. Don't pour the ingredients into the water! Leave it there for at about 1 hour. When it's done, put some kanel on the top. Tested autumn 2004 by Rodrigo Luciano