program sacsei c c by Lars Ottemoeller c c program to convert between sac and seisan, detects if ASCII c or binary, uses SEISAN wav structure c c c options are: sac -> seisan bin c seisan bin -> sac bin c ---------------------- SEISAN 7.0 ---------------------------------- c 14 ap 99 bmt : name of the component was changed c 08/06 99 lo : use routine filename c june 11 99 lo : convert station and components using sacsei.def file c aug 18 99 lo : bug fixed with net_code c nov 09 99 lo : dimension of fheader changed to max_trace, bug on linux fixed c nov 11 99 lo : add cname to outfile, using seiclen c dec 06 99 lo : add 1900 if year lt 100 c --- major change ----------------------- c may 12 00 lo : use new routines c nov 13 2001jh : remove component change since already in basic c sac reading routine c dec 18 2002 jh: make sure net_code is blank to get station name in c file name, note not net code can be used in scasei.def c since sacsei.def is read in sac subroutines implicit none C Seisan library inserts and routines... C ====================================== C include '' ! Open file definitions include '' include '' external computer_type ! Get platform type. external sei open, ! Open file routine. & sei close ! Close file routine. integer sei clen c -------------------------------------------------------------- character*80 infile,outfile ! file name integer max ! max number of samples integer nerr ! error integer*4 idata(max_sample) character*1 choice ! choice character*80 mainhead(max_trace) ! file headers character*1040 chead ! trace header integer i,c ! counter integer in ! 1 if filenr.lis is input file integer nars ! number of args character*80 args(5) ! arguments logical from_eev ! true if from eev character*80 evfile ! name of sfile real eqla,eqlo,eqel ! hypocenter coordinates character*80 line ! some text line logical hyp ! if hyp given in sfile character*80 question,deffile ! text character*5 net_code ! network code c jh dec 2002 logical no_net ! flag if net_code set character*29 mainhead_text c c print version c include '' out_version_date='July 23, 2001' if (version_new) out_version_date=version_date call print_ver c c get def file for station codes, give file name c c deffile='sacsei.def' c no_net = .FALSE. net_code=' ' c call read_def_chan(deffile,mainhead_text,net_code) c if (net_code.eq.' ') no_net = .true. c get arguments call get_arguments(nars,args) in = 0 max = max_sample from_eev=.false. hyp = .false. if (nars.eq.3) then if (args(1).eq.'eev') then infile=args(2) call get_env_event(evfile) open(1,file=evfile,status='old') read(1,'(a80)') line close (1) c c read eq hypocenter coord c if (line(24:38).ne.' ') then hyp=.true. endif read(line(24:30),'(f7.3)') eqla read(line(31:38),'(f7.3)') eqlo read(line(39:43),'(f5.2)') eqel from_eev=.true. goto 500 endif endif write(*,*) ' (1) sac (ASCII or BINARY) -> seisan binary' write(*,*) ' (2) seisan binary -> sac binary' write(*,*) ' Choice ?' read(*,'(a1)') choice call casefold(choice) c c jump to seisan input c if (choice.eq.'2') then goto 500 elseif (choice.eq.'1') then goto 21 else write(*,*) ' wrong choice' stop endif c c read SAC c 21 continue question=' Filename or number, filenr.lis for all' call filename(question,infile) if (infile(1:3).eq.'EOF') STOP if(infile(1:10).eq.'filenr.lis') then open(1,file='filenr.lis',status='old',err=22) in=1 endif goto 23 22 continue write(*,*) ' filenr.lis not found' stop 23 continue if(in.eq.1) then read(1,'(7x,a)') infile if(infile(1:4).eq.' ') stop endif c c first try if file is binary SAC c call read_sacbin_to_seisan(infile,1,nerr) c c if not check if SAC ascii c if ( then nerr=0 call read_sacasc_to_seisan(infile,1,nerr) endif if ( then write(*,*) ' input file is not SAC: ',infile(1:seiclen(infile)) if (in.eq.1) goto 23 stop endif c c write Seisan file c c c write file header c outfile = ' ' c call set_def_chan(1,wav_stat(1),wav_comp(1)) c c make seisan headers c net_code=' ' wav_nchan=1 call wav_sheads(1,net_code,outfile,mainhead,chead) write(*,*) chead(1:80) do i=1,wav_nsamp(1) idata(i)=int(signal1(i)) enddo outfile = outfile(1:seiclen(outfile)) // '_' // & wav_comp(1)(1:seiclen(wav_comp(1))) do i=1,seiclen(outfile) if (outfile(i:i).eq.' ') outfile(i:i)='_' enddo write(*,*) ' output file: ',outfile(1:seiclen(outfile)) open(66,file=outfile,status='unknown',form='unformatted') do i=1,12 write(66) mainhead(i) enddo write(66) chead write(66) (idata(i),i=1,wav_nsamp(1)) close(66) if (in.eq.1) goto 23 goto 21 499 continue stop 500 continue c c this part is for seisan binary to sac binary c if (from_eev) goto 523 521 continue question=' Filename or number, filenr.lis for all' call filename(question,infile) if (infile(1:3).eq.'EOF') STOP if(infile(1:10).eq.'filenr.lis') then open(1,file='filenr.lis',status='old',err=522) in=1 endif eqla=0. eqlo=0. eqel=0. goto 523 522 continue write(*,*) ' filenr.lis not found' stop 523 continue if(in.eq.1) then read(1,'(7x,a)') infile if(infile(1:4).eq.' ') stop endif c c read seisan traces c call wav_init wav_filename(1)=infile call read_wav_header(1) write(*,*) ' number of traces: ',wav_nchan do c=1,wav_nchan write(*,*) 'trace: ',c call wav_read_channel(c) write(*,'(a5,1x,a4,1x,i4,1x,4(i2,1x),f5.2)') * wav_stat(c),wav_comp(c), * wav_year(c),wav_month(c),wav_day(c), * wav_hour(c),wav_min(c),wav_sec(c) call write_seisan_to_sacbin(c,.false.,.false., * eqla,eqlo,eqel,nerr) if ( then write(*,*) ' Error when writing SAC file ' endif enddo if (in.eq.1) goto 523 if (.not.from_eev) goto 521 9999 continue stop end