# Makefile for hvproc1 to use with NMAKE # - Microsoft (R) Fortran PowerStation Version 4.00 # - Compaq Visual Fortran Optimizing Compiler Version 6.5 # # name of current fortran compiler FC = FL32 # name of the compiler dependent directory # Windows CDD = ..\Dep_W # compiler flag(s) FFLAGS = /Ox /G5 # erase file command # see also below "clean" for Windows Me RM = del ############################################################## ############################################################## # include directories INCL = /I..\Inc HEADERS = ..\Inc\codeco_common.f ..\Inc\main.h ..\Inc\parameters.h ..\Inc\times.h ..\Inc\window.h TARGET = ..\hvproc0_1.exe SRC = hvproc1.f\ apply.f\ apply_smooth.f\ apply_taper.f\ av_write.f\ average_sd.f\ bilin2.f\ buroots.f\ cfftf.f\ cfftf1.f\ cffti.f\ cffti1.f\ ckerr.f\ ckesfi.f\ clall.f\ codecoutil.f\ comp_f0.f\ compdecomp.f\ cutoffs.f\ deffre.f\ defpar.f\ fout.f\ gcmln.f\ gel_hv.f\ glun.f\ gsein.f\ gtws.f\ hps.f\ hv.f\ init_hdrvars.f\ interv.f\ interv1.f\ itw.f\ jlen.f\ kf0.f\ lp.f\ lptbp.f\ lpthp.f\ merge_hv.f\ parfile_read.f\ passf.f\ passf2.f\ passf3.f\ passf4.f\ passf5.f\ readercs.f\ readergse.f\ readerth.f\ rmean.f\ rsaf.f\ split3.f\ split4.f\ strtok.f\ swin_write.f\ warp.f\ xbpf.f\ xfft.f\ xhpf.f\ xlpf.f\ $(CDD)\guw8.f\ $(CDD)\intand.f OBJ = $(SRC:.f=.obj) .f.obj: $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $(INCL) /c $< /Fo$@ $(TARGET): $(OBJ) $(FC) /Fe$(TARGET) $(OBJ) $(OBJ): $(HEADERS) clean: $(RM) $(OBJ) # Windows Me #clean: # $(RM) $(CDD)\*.obj # $(RM) *.obj