Yngve Kristoffersen - Curriculum Vitae

Personal data

Name: Yngve Kristoffersen
Born: 23 December 1941
Work: University of Bergen
Department of Earth Science
Allègaten 41, N-5007 Bergen
Phone: +47 55 58 34 07
Mobile: +47 47 31 84 46
Fax: +47 55 58 36 60
E-mail: yngve.kristoffersen@geo.uib.no

Academic degrees:

1977 Ph.D. marine geophysics Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University, New York
1971 Cand. real. in solid earth physics, University of Oslo

Professional career:

1993-95 Professor in Arctic geophysics, University of Tromsø (50%)
1984- Professor in solid earth physics, University of Bergen
1982-84 Professor II in marine geophysics, University of Tromsø
1977-84 Research geophysicist, Norwegian Polar Reseach Institute, Oslo
1973-77 Graduate student at Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University, New York
1971-72 Visiting scientist Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory
1966-71 Student at University of Oslo
1963-66 Enlisted in Norwegian Army Signal Corps

Elected memberships and awards:

2001 Elected member Norwegian Technical Academy of Science
1995 Elected member Norwegian Academy of Science
1993 Geophysical Prize, Geco-Prakla/ Siemens Nixdorf
1991 Fram-Committee`s Nansen Award, University of Oslo
1978 Hans and Helga Reusch Award, University of Oslo


2005 Hydrostatic piston corer - patent application submitted

Research interests:

  • Tectonic and paleoceanographic history of the polar regions
  • Geo-technology
  • Crustal structure: seismic imaging of continental and oceanic crust

Selected professional appointments

2002- Norwegian representative to SCAR Standing Scientific Group in Geoscience
2000- Norwegian member Board of Nordic Vulcanological Institute, Iceland
2000-01 Member Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), Arctic Program Planning Group
1994-02 Member Scientific Advisory Board, Alfred Wegener Institute for Marine and Polar Research
1996- Chairman, Science Committee, Nansen Arctic Drilling Program (NAD)
1992-95 Representing Euopean Science Foundation Consortium (12 countries) on the Lithosphere Panel of the Ocean Drilling Program.
1992-95 Liason from ODP Lithosphere Panel to ODP Technology & Engineering Development Committee.
1992-93 Member planning committee for Nansen Centennial Arctic Programme, NAVF
1990-93 Representant for Univ. i Bergen i nasjonalt utvalg for arktisk forskning og undervisning
1989-02 Member ANTOSTRAT Project Steering Committee, SCAR Group of Specialist on the Cenozoic Paleoenvironment of Southern High Latitudes
1988- Member Nansen Arctic Drilling Program Scientific Committee
1988-90 Member Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities, Geoscience Committee
1988-92 Editorial Board, Antarctic Science, Blackwell Publishing Company
1987 Co-Chief Scientist, ODP Leg 114 drilling in the South Atlantic (56 days).
1987-89 Member National Planning Group for Nansen Centennial, Norwegian Academy of Science
1986-89 Member European Science Foundation Advisory Committee on Polar Science Networks
1986-91 Member United States Polar Research Board Committee on Arctic Solid Earth Sciences
1985-88 Representing European Science Foundation Consortium (12 countries) for Ocean Drilling on ODP Southern Oceans Regional Panel
1983-88 Chairman, Norwegian National Committee for the International Lithosphere Programme, NA VF
1984-93 Member, Norwgian National Committee on Polar Research
1984-02 Norwegian representative to SCAR Working Group on Solid Earth Physics
1982-84 Member Norwegian Oceanographic Committee
1982-84 Member Scientific Steering Group, Norwegian National Oceanographic Data Center and National Environmental Data Center

Professional affiliations

1974- Americal Geophysical Union
1978- Norwegian Geophysical Society

Teaching experience

1981-83 University of Oslo, 2 semesters, 3 credits
Course: Interpretation of gravity and magnetic data 1982-84
1994-1995 University of Tromsø, 4 semesters, 2 credits Course: Introduction to applied geophysics ~ Practical seismic processing
1984- University of Bergen Course: Plate tectonics 5 credits
Geodynamic modelling 2 credits Lithosphere rheology and evolution of continental margins 2 credits Supervised cand.scient. (14) and dr. scient. (5) students

Engineering development

1988- Development of a hydrostatic geological sediment corer in cooperation with Selantic Industrier als, Selje. The product was commercialized in early 1993
1994- Development and testing of a consept for shallow drilling in water depths up to 1000 m from research vessels using mining technology. The consept was commercialized in February 1997 by GeoDrilling A/S, Namsos
2005- Patent hydrostatic piston corer - the Bergen Corer
2010- Developed autonomous buoy for seismic data acquisition in the Arctic Ocean


  • metal- and woodworking
  • astronomy
  • radio amateur LA5XK