Geotechnology - publications

  • Rygg, E., Riste, P., Nøttvedt, A., Rød, K., and Kristoffersen, Y.,1992:
    The snowstreamer - a new device for acquisition of seismic data on land. In: T. Vorren et al. (eds), Arctic Geology and Petroleum Potential, Norw. Petrol. Soc. Special Publ., 2, p. 703-709. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Adobe Acrobat File
  • Kristoffersen, Y., 1997:
    A pilot project for shallow drilling in the Arctic Ocean. Yearbook 1995/96, Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, p. 72-74. Adobe Acrobat File
  • Kristoffersen, Y., Strand, K., Vorren, T., Harwood, D., and Webb, P., 2000:
    Pilot shallow drilling on the continental shelf, Queen Maud Land, Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 12:463-470. Adobe Acrobat File
  • Kristoffersen, Y., Lien, E., Festervoll, K., Ree, S., Årdahl, K. and Hosøy, Ø., 2006.
    The hydrostatic corer Selcore - a tool for sediment sampling and geophysical site characterization. Marine Geology, 229: 101-112. Adobe Acrobat File