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We want to measure water flow rate and temperature in a small stream or creek that flows into a cave system. Using a pressure sensor the water level is determined, and the V-slot method provides a relationship between water level and flow rate.

Logger location (click to enlarge)

Detail of V-slot (click to enlarge)


Logger unit
  • Measures water level and -temperature.
  • 12-bit A/D-converter.
  • Sensors molded in polyurethane.
  • Data stored on standard MMC card that can easily be read on PC. Data can also be downloaded using RS-232 port on logger.
  • Data format is comma separated values, imports directly to Excel.
  • Time stamp on every data set.
  • Sleeps between data collection. Current consumption sleep mode: 40 µA. Two D-size Lithium cells power the system for one year.
  • User selectable data collection intervals.
  • Future options: Downloading data via GSM/GPRS modem, 24-bit A/D-converter.

Dept. of Earth Science has developed a sensor that measures water level and temperature. The sensor is connected to a logger system that collects data at user defined intervals, and uses standard MMC card - which can hold several Gbytes - as storage medium. The data logger sleeps between measurements, minimizing current consumption; two D-cell Lithium batteries power the system for one year. Data is retrieved by either removing the MMC card and inserting it into PC based reader, or by connecting logger to RS-232 port of computer. A new, empty MMC card can be inserted while the logger is sleeping - no installation procedure is needed. A real-time clock provides date- and time stamp on every measurement. The logger automatically makes a new file at midnight, with file name indicating year and day-of-year, like 2007_053.csv. Data are stored as comma separated values (thus the "csv" file extension) which facilitates data import, processing and plotting with spreadsheet programs, like Excel.


Fig. 2. Pressure / temperature sensor unit
  • Sensors casted in polyurethane to make water-proof assembly.
  • Differential pressure sensor compensates for variations in atmospheric pressure.
  • Digital temperature sensor with 12 bit resolution.

Pressure sensor

Fig. 3. Pressure sensor (representative picture).


  • Measurement range: 5 - 50 cm water
  • Mfr.: Honeywell, p/n: DC030NDC4
  • Supplier: ELFA p/n: 73-404-09
  • Differential
  • Pressure range: ±30.0" = ±76.2 cm H2O
  • Sensitivity: 0.133 V/inch H2O = 52.4 mV / cm H2O
  • Temperature compensated, amplified bridge output
  • Pressure port dia.: 4.8 mm
  • Data sheet
Is atmospheric pressure compensation necessary?

"Standard Atmospheric Pressure" is 101.325 kPa. Minimum pressure recorded so far has been 88.2 kPa (ref. Wikipedia article) in the North Atlantic. Maximum pressure 108.6 kPa (same ref.). So we have +7.275 kPa and -13.125 kPa deviation from standard air pressure. This amounts to a change of +74 cm and -133 cm in water level.

Conclusion: Compensation is necessary!


  • Sensor model: DS18B20
  • Mfr.: Dallas
  • Digital thermometer with "1-wire" interface
  • +/- 0.5 °C accuracy in temp. range -10 to 85 °C.
  • ELFA p/n: 73-775-59
  • Data sheet

Calibration of pressure sensor

This is the relationship between output from A/D-converter - counts in the range from 0 to 4095 - and height of water column:

Relationship between A/D-converter output and height of water column.

Calibration data, Excel worksheet.

Temperature sensor time constant

The temperature sensor has a certain time constant, as shown below. If we modify the sensor design, we will try to reduce this time constant. Figure shown step response - immersing the temperature sensor in water holding approx 13.5 degrees C (and warming).

Temperature sensor time constant.


There is a ON/OFF switch inside. Remove the lid - it's on the right side. If you press the button underneath you can make a manual logging and see the actual sensor values.

Modes of operation

Normal mode

The logger sleeps for specified number of seconds. When measuring, it first displays date and time and then initializes the MMC card. After the data samples have been collected, it shows name of current log file and it's size. Finally it indicates how many seconds it will sleep until next measurement cycle.

User presses button, or switches the unit ON.

The logger displays a lot more information compared to normal mode - also the actual sensor values. At the end it asks "More?", and by pressing the button within within some seconds, a new measurement cycle will start. Every measurement made will also be stored on MMC card.

Current consumption, batteries


The logger uses two D-cell 3.6V lithium batteries. The batteries are connected in series, and they supply the logger with both 3.6 V and 7.2 V. Current drain as measured:

  • 3.6 V:
    • Sleep mode: 35.4 uA
    • Active: 71.9 uA
  • 7.2 V
    • Sleep mode: 8.6 uA
    • Active: 165 mA
  • 2 ea D-size 3.6 V lithium cell, Lithium-thionyl chloride (Li-SOCl2) - capacity 13.0 Ah
  • Manufacturer: SAFT
  • Model: LSH20 CNR (with solder tabs)
  • Data sheet link
  • Supplier: Staubo Elektro-maskin AS, +47 2275 350
Battery lifetime This will of course depend on sampling interval. If we have 30 min sampling interval, the logger will use 0.089 Ah/day, 2.7 Ah per month and 16.0 Ah after 6 months.

The D-cells specified above (13.0 Ah) will thus last for 146 days, or 4.9 months.

Excel spreadsheet with battery lifetime calculations: Attach:logger-battery-lifetime.xls Δ

Computer connection

Connect the RS-232 interface cable to a computer. Use a terminal program (like Windows Hyper Terminal) and configure it for 19200 bits/s, 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit. Do not use any handshaking.

When you press the button (or switch the logger on) it will send the following information on the RS-232 line:

   Water Level / Temperature Logger

   Department of Earth Science
   University of Bergen  -  Norway

   Program version: Ver 1.9 Date: 26 April 2007
   Compiled at 04-26-2007 08:03:34

Press H for this help menu:
                          M e n u

  dir [mask]            = Directory listing
  mmc                   = Print MMC card disk usage
  type FileName | mask  = Print file content
  date [YY-MM-DD]       = Read or set date in real-time clock
  time [HH:MM:SS]       = Read or set time in real-time clock
  h                     = Print help menu
  int [seconds]         = Read or set logging interval, >= 30, <=3600
  1w                    = List temperature sensor IDs (1-wire bus)
  temp [N]              = Print N temperature values
  pres [N]              = Print N pressure values
  hum [N]               = Print N humidity values


Init MMC card ...
MMC disk size: 501216 kB
MMC disk free: 501128 kB
Logging information:
   Current date:     2007-04-26   (change with DATE command)
   Current time:     09:53:04     (change with TIME command)
   Log file name:    2007_116.csv (Year_DayOfYear - new file at midnight)
   Logging interval: 1800 seconds (change with INT command)
Terminal use interrupts normal sampling.

Data format on MMC card

There will be a file for each day. The filename will provide information on year and day-of-year, e.g. "2007_045.csv". If you want to concatenate all these day-files into one file, open a DOS terminal window, cd to the data directory and type:

copy /b *.csv data.csv

The '/b' option will take care of concatenation, and 'data.csv' is the name of the target file. Note that if you repeat the command, the data.csv file will be included, so better move it to another folder, or choose another file extension (but in that case, it will be slightly more complicated to import it into a spreadsheet program).

Data are stored as comma separated values (thus the ".csv" file extension). CSV files can easily be imported into spreadsheet program like Excel.

Format example and description:

        $PUIBSP = Data identifier prefix (similar to GPS NMEA telegrams), where
                     "P" : Proprietary telegram format
                   "UIB" : University of Bergen
                    "SP" : Speleology (the science of exploration and study of all
                           aspects of caves).
     2007-04-26 = Date [yyyy-mm-dd]
       01:41:34 = Time [hh:mm:ss]
         495.50 = Output from pressure sensor, raw data in the range from 0 to 4096
          22.50 = Sensor temperature, in degrees C.
         463.78 = Output from humidity sensor inside logger unit, raw data in the
                  range from 0 to 4096
          23.25 = Temperature inside logger unit, in degrees C.
            *24 = Checksum (like NMEA telegrams), XOR sum of all characters, not
                  including leading "$" and trailing "*".


dir - List files.


2007_113.CSV  07-04-23 21:04:08 8217
2007_114.CSV  07-04-24 23:19:56 15072
2007_115.CSV  07-04-25 21:28:56 28873
2007_116.CSV  07-04-26 09:54:04 21726

You can also use a mask, like "dir *.csv" (but the MMC will probably only hold files of this type!).

mmc - Display size and usage of MMC card


MMC disk size: 501216 kByte
MMC disk free: 501128 kByte

type - List content of file(s)


>type 2007_116.csv

You can print out multiple files by entering a mask, like "type *.csv". The file sequence is not necessarily in chronological order.

Capture data to disk by selecting (in Windows Hyper Terminal) "Transfer -> Capture Text ..."

date - Show or set date



time - Show or set time



int -Show or set logging interval


Logging interval: 1800 seconds

temp - Show reading(s) from temperature sensors


Temperature, dev 1: 23.375
Temperature, dev 2: 24.125
>temp 10
Temperature, dev 1: 23.375
Temperature, dev 2: 24.1875
Temperature, dev 1: 23.375
Temperature, dev 2: 24.1875
Temperature, dev 1: 23.375
Temperature, dev 2: 24.1875
Temperature, dev 1: 23.375
Temperature, dev 2: 24.25
Temperature, dev 1: 23.375
Temperature, dev 2: 24.25
Temperature, dev 1: 23.375
Temperature, dev 2: 24.25
Temperature, dev 1: 23.375
Temperature, dev 2: 24.25
Temperature, dev 1: 23.375
Temperature, dev 2: 24.25
Temperature, dev 1: 23.375
Temperature, dev 2: 24.25
Temperature, dev 1: 23.375
Temperature, dev 2: 24.25

Device 1 is temperature inside sensor assembly. Device 2 is the internal logger temperature. Display several reading by giving number as parameter, e.g. "temp 10".

pres - Show reading(s) from pressure sensor


Pressure: 526.78
>pres 5
Pressure: 526.78
Pressure: 526.71
Pressure: 526.84
Pressure: 526.75
Pressure: 526.75

hum - Show reading(s) from humidity sensor inside logger unit.


Humidity: 440.54

1w - Show devices (thermometers) on digital 1-wire bus


Device #1: 2886A211010000EA [DS18B20 Thermometer]
Device #2: 285EED1101000009 [DS18B20 Thermometer]


Design ideas

Unit conversions


  • 1 PSI = 70.31 cm H2O = 6.895 kPa
  • 1 cm H2O = 0,01422 PSI = 0.09806 kPa
  • 1 kPa = 0.1450 PSI = 10.20 cm H2O

Prototype information:

Temperature sensor


Digital thermometer 1-wire interface

  • +/- 0.5 deg C accuracy in temp. range -10 to 85 deg C.
  • p/n: 73-775-59


  • Tiny Tag or Campbell
  • AVR Mega128 based


GPRS modem

ISM RF-modules

Mark-II ideas

Flow measurements


5 May 2008

New calibration: Attach:calibration-5may2008.xls


4 April 2008

Pressure sensor immersed in water, h = .. cm

Data description:

        $PUIBSP = Data identifier prefix (similar to GPS NMEA telegrams), where
                     "P" : Proprietary telegram format
                   "UIB" : University of Bergen
                    "SP" : Speleology (the science of exploration and study of all
                           aspects of caves).
     2007-04-26 = Date [yyyy-mm-dd]
       01:41:34 = Time [hh:mm:ss]
         495.50 = Output from pressure sensor, raw data in the range from 0 to 4096
          22.50 = Sensor temperature, in degrees C.
         463.78 = Output from humidity sensor inside logger unit, raw data in the
                  range from 0 to 4096
          23.25 = Temperature inside logger unit, in degrees C.
            *24 = Checksum (like NMEA telegrams), XOR sum of all characters, not
                  including leading "$" and trailing "*".


>type 2008_094.csv

>type 2008_095.CSV

>type 2008_096.csv

>type 2008_097.csv

>type 2008_098.csv

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Page last modified on October 29, 2015, at 07:28 PM
Electronics workshop
Department of Earth Science - University of Bergen