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Notes on instrumentation support

27 Nov 2012


The Smøla-2006 survey was conducted 24/25 October 2006. RV "Håkon Mosby" was acting as source vessel for a land survey.

Unfortunately, a GPS based unit that performs accurate time stamping of shot events was left behind. Time stamps are reconstructed as described below.


O. Meyer, Dept. of Earth Science (IFG), University of Bergen
G. Landa, Instrumentation engineer, RV "Håkon Mosby", for performing measurements.
B.O. Ruud, researcher IFG, for review and suggestions.


A linear time correction should be applied to the original time stamp values, from 6.95 s at SP=1 to 7.30 s at the last shotpoint. The correction should be subtracted from the original time stamp values.

The UKOOA P1/90 file based on corrected shotpoint times can be downloaded from:

Note that time stamp values are placed in columns 7 to 19 (normal GEOMAR positions).

To re-generate UKOOA file with other time offset values, download these files to the same folder, make corrections in Python script, and execute script:


Using RV "Håkon Mosby", the Smøla line was shot from 10:19 UTC, 24. October 2006, and finished 24 hours later. The ship's airguns were used as source, and land stations recorded the seismic data. Accurate time stamping of shot events - to millisecond resolution - was thus of utmost importance. Unfortunately, the special GPS unit that performs the time stamping had earlier been used on another survey with RV "G.O. Sars" and left behind there. It could not be shipped to reach Mosby in time.

Instead of cancelling the Smøla survey it was decided to carry on as planned, and post-process shotpoint time and positional data in order to achieve shotpoint time stamps of acceptable accuracy.


Figure 1 shows the instrumentation system as it was supposed to be. Missing parts are at the bottom, below marker line.

   | [1] SeaPath GPS  |
            | Serial GPS data
            |        +----------------------+
            +------->+ [2] "Survey logger"  |
            |        +----------------------+
            |        +---------------------+
             \------>+ [3] EIVA Survey PC  |
                              | Trigger char   +----------------+
                               \-------------->+ [4] Sync Unit  |
                                                       | Closure & Fire     +------------+
                                                        \------------------>+ [5] GUNCO  |
                                                                                    | "FTB Scope" output   
         ........  [  P a r t s   b e l o w   m i s s i n g  ]  ........            |
                                               +-------------------+                |
                                               |  [6] Ashtech GPS  +<--------------/
                                               |  Time stamp unit  |
                                                        |  Event time stamp
                        +-----------------+             |     Serial data
                        | [7] Logging PC  +<-----------/

Fig. 1: Smøla-2006 Instrumentation system (airguns omitted)

Description of key instrument components

[2] "Survey logger"
This computer is supposed to log GPS based positional/time information every minute during surveys. Time information is provided with two decimals. Unfortunately, on the 24 October it recorded data from 13:42:10 UTC, some hours after the Smøla line started at 10:19 UTC. Although there is a data gap in the beginning, existing data permits reconstruction of shotpoint times by the use of interpolation techniques (see below).
[3] EIVA Survey Computer
This computer runs the EIVA survey control software. It activates the airgun control system at the appropriate moment. It logs shotpoint information, both position and time. While positional information is GPS based, the time recorded was based on the PC internal clock. The computer was not synchronized with NTP (Network Time Protocol) servers (this feature introduces in 2007).
[4] Sync Unit
This unit receives trigger signal from Eiva Survey Computer in the form of a RS-232 ASCII character. It immediately activates the GUNCO by setting the Closure and Fire signal.
When detecting the correct sequence of Closure and Fire signals, it fires the airguns. There is a delay of 128 ms between leading edge of Fire signal and the moment the airguns actually fires. This moment - called Field Time Break (FTB) - is indicated by a signal on the "FTB Scope" GUNCO output. The "FTB Scope" is routed to the time stamp input of the Ashtech GPS Time Stamp Unit.
[6] Ashtech GPS Time Stamp Unit
The Ashtech GG24 "GLONASS + GPS" receiver is furnished with a time stamp input. A high-to-low transition on this line will be time tagged (in GPS, not UTC time), and the recorded value will be output on RS-232 serial line as a NMEA telegram which can be captured by a standard PC terminal program.


When trying to estimate time from positional information, one should keep in mind that uncertainties in positions translate into large (in our case) uncertainties in time. The ship moved at a speed of 5 knots, which is (1852*5)/(60*60) = 2.57 m/s. So positions that deviates from the true location by more then one meter result in nearly 0.4 s error in time.

There are also some assumptions that must be made regarding drift in the Eiva Survey computer local clock. Should we apply a constant offset to Eiva timestamps in order to obtain true time (assuming zero clock drift), or is there a drift component, and how can it be determined? These matters are addressed below.

There are some methods to estimate true shotpoint time stamp values.

  • METHOD A: Interpolate data from Survey logger machine, so that time of any position along the shooting line can be determined. Combining the known (and accurate) position of each shot point with these interpolated data, the time of the shotpoint can be estimated. However, shotpoints will not necessarily lie on the interpolated curve, so resulting time corrections will appear to have a noise component added. When plotting the time corrections as a function of shotpoint number, the noise characteristics are easy to evaluate.
  • METHOD B: Measure both deviation and drift pattern of Eiva Survey Computer local clock, compared to true GPS time. This is accomplished by shooting "dummy" seismic lines - using the system as depicted in figure 1, but without airguns - and noting the difference in Eiva shotpoint time stamp and time recorded by the Ashtech time stamp unit. Measured over several weeks, a correction factor can be established that takes into account both the deviation and it's time drift.
  • METHOD C: A computer on board logs position and time (both parameters are GPS based) every minute, independent of any survey activity. We can search for shotpoint positions that are very close to positions in these one-minute data sets, and observe the time difference between Eiva local clock and the GPS time of one-minute positions.

Measurements were carried out with the aim of correcting shotpoint time according to Method B. Measurement were planned on 6. November 2006 - immediately after completion of the Smøla survey - but the shipment of the Ashtech GPS from the other research vessel did not reach Mosby in time. The measurements did not take place until March 2007.

To further complicate matters, the EIVA Survey Computer had been switched off and on some times since the Smøla survey was completed. The complication lies in the fact that while PC's are furnished with battery-backed real-time clocks, the operating system usually only reads this clock in the power-up phase, and later on establishes its own internal clock based on another crystal - and hence shows a different time drift pattern, compared to that of the real-time clock crystal.

Repeatedly switching the EIVA Survey computer off and on thus creates a clock problem that probably makes it impossible to use Method B.

So we will in the following investigate Method A - interpolating 1-minute data from the Survey logger, and tie shotpoint locations to these interpolations.

We will also use Method C to obtain information on time difference Eiva local clock and GPS time of those one-minute positions that are very close to a particular shotpoint.


Combined data - both from EIVA Survey computer og Ashtech logger PC - which permits estimation of deviation (and it's drift) between EIVA PC local clock and true GPS time:

EIVA Survey computer Ashtech GPS "GG24" Timestamp
EIVA 16. March 2007 ASHTECH 16. March 2007
EIVA 24. mars 2007 ASHTECH 23. March 2007
EIVA 30. March 2007 ASHTECH 30. March 2007
EIVA 5. April 2007 ASHTECH 5. April 2007

Thanks to G. Landa, Instrument Engineer on board RV "Håkon Mosby", for performing these measurements.


Contact author if translation into English is needed.

Spørsmål Svar
Fra: Ole 
Sendt: on 25.10.2006 14:20
Til: Geir
Emne: VIKTIG ..

Vi må jo i ettertid finne ut offset'en mellom EIVA tid og
virkelig skuddøyeblikk.
VIKTIG: Har du logget EIVA tid ned til nærmeste millisekund?
Hvis ikke har vi et stort problem. Glemte å påpeke dette - 
det er så mange ting som skal skje samtidig her.
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 16:07:35 +0200
From: Geir 
Subject: SV: VIKTIG ..
To: Ole 

Ja, i event loggen er tiden på millisekund. Sekund med 3 
desimaler, for å være nøyaktig.
Fra: Ole
Sendt: fr 27.10.2006 12:18
Til: Geir
Emne: Test av EIVA / GUNCO tidsdifferanse

Hei Geir,

Martin skal sende Ashtech'en + antenne fra Tromsø 31.okt,
slik at det er mulig å sjekke tidsdifferansen v/mannskaps/
skifte Mosby 5/6 nov.
Dato: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 13:45:32 +0200
Fra: Geir 
Emne: SV: Test av EIVA / GUNCO tidsdifferanse
Til: Ole

Vi kan ta sjekken den 6 nov. om føremiddagen.

Hilsen Geir
Fra: Ole
Sendt: ti 13.03.2007 10:47
Til: Geir
Emne: Smøla-tokt: Målinger av EIVA PC klokkedrift

Hei Geir,

Gjør som du foreslo: Gjentar målingen vi gjorde sist
fredag med en ukes mellomrom, i fire ukers tid. Vi
kan diskutere senere i uken hvordan vi skal gjøre 
det rent praktisk. Så får vi se om vi kan ekstra-
polere korreksjoner tilbake til Smøla-toktet.

Kan du sende den Eiva-loggen som ble laget sist

Er det slik at PC'en har stått på siden Smøla-toktet?
Når Windows starter opp leses informasjon fra den
klokkekretsen som finnes i maskinen, men deretter
oppretter Windows en software-klokke som går uavhengig
av denne klokkekretsen - dvs. softwareklokken har et
annet driftsmønster, siden det er et annet krystall
som styrer frekvensen. Dersom maskinen har vært slått
av/på får vi dermed to driftsmønstre å forholde oss
til ...

Finnes det en toktlogger ombord, som registerer GPS-
posisjon og -tid med jevne mellomrom? Hvis ja, kan du
sende data fra aktuell periode i fjor (24/25 okt) så
kan vi se om posisjon kan være en fellesnevner mellom
tokt-logger data og Eiva skuddpunktsfil.

Hilsen Ole
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 11:10:24 +0100
From: Geir
Subject: SV: Smøla-tokt: Målinger av EIVA PC klokkedrift
To: Ole

Hei Ole,

Antennen er tatt ned og kommet i hus.
Vi er i Sognefjorden nå men båten er tilbake i Bergen
torsdag og så begynner et nytt tokt fredag. Loggefilen
som ble logget i helgen ligger vedlagt.
Eiva pc'en har nok blitt slått av og på siden oktober.
Toktlogger logger pos og tid ca hvert 20 sekund, jeg
legger ved disse filene også, kun 2 desimaler på tids-

Hilsen Geir
Fra: Ole
Sendt: on 14.03.2007 18:38
Til: Geir
Emne: Re: SV: Smøla-tokt: Målinger av EIVA PC klokkedrift


Hvis det var mulig å fortsette logging med en ukes mellom-
rom helt til du er ferdig med din periode 11.april hadde
det vært fint.

Skal jeg komme ned med resten av Ashtech'en i morgen, samt
logge-PC for denne? Eller kan du logge Ashtech seriedata 
inn på EIVA'en?

Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 09:10:32 +0100
From: Geir 
Subject: SV: Smøla-tokt: Målinger av EIVA PC klokkedrift
To: Ole

Det skal gå bra å logge frem til 11. april.
Det blir gjerne vanskelig å logge Ashtech'en samtidig med
skyting. Vi får plassere utstyret inn i rackene slik at
det kan startes med jevne mellomrom.

Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 09:37:14 +0200
From: Geir
Subject: Smøla-tokt: Målinger av EIVA PC klokkedrift
To: Ole

sender filene som er blitt logget i forbindelse med Smøla-

Hilsen Geir


Preprocessing data from Survey logger - part 1

  1. Concatenate data from the 24. and 25. October 2006 into one file.
  2. Remove data after 12:00 UTC, 25. October (last shotpoint was around 10 UTC).
  3. Remove broken line in the 25. October file.

Download pre-processed data file.

Preprocessing data from Survey logger - part 2

The pre-processed file from previous section contains lines with several columns of data. We must extract time and position data, convert positions to UTM values and create two output files, one with Time/Easting data pairs, the other with Time/Northing pairs. The reason for this Easting/Northing split is that we must treat the two pairs separately in the subsequent interpolation stage. Time is also converted from a specific date/hour:minute etc. value to the number of seconds - with fractional part - since a reference base time set to midnight on 24. October 2006. Note that UTM values are given in zone 32V, whereas UTM coordinates in the shotpoint log are given in zone 31N; this is taken into account in later sections.

The UTM/LatLong conversion is performed by a special library.

Python script that extracts position/time from automatic survey logger machine.

The two output files from the program can be downloaded from here:


Two stages are needed. First interpolated values must be calculated. Then shotpoint positions must be tied to nearest interpolated position.

Interpolation stage

We here employ a spline type of interpolation.

Using the GNU spline command (on a Linux machine) results in an interpolated data set with user defined resolution.

Our Time/Easting and Time/Northing files contains 1340 lines of 1-minute positions. To obtain 100x interpolation use -n 134000 option, and -n 134000 for 1000x interpolation.

Command line example, on Linux machine:

  cat time_latitude.txt | spline -n 134000 -P 12 > spline-time_lat.txt

Ensure that the number of significant digits in the calculations are sufficient (the -P option).

As an illustration of how the spline interpolation works, figure 2 shows plot of latitude versus time. The 1-minute input values from the Survey logger are shown as red crosses, while the interpolated data pairs are green dots. The high interpolated data density (100 points between two original data pairs) makes them appear as a continuous line. Figure 3 zooms in on a section of the curve, making the individual interpolated data points visible.

Figure 2 shows a small irregularity in the seismic line positioning. This is not uncommon, and was merely selected to show how the interpolation could cope.

Fig. 2: Plot of latitude versus time. Original 1-minute data pairs as red crosses; interpolated data as green points.

Fig. 3: Detail from figure 2. Individual interpolation points are now visible.

We tried two different sizes of interpolation steps - both 100x and 1000x, to see how step size influenced the result.

  • 100x interpolation points (3.5 MByte file size)
    • File name: spline-time_easting_100.txt (Time & Easting, 100x interpolation)
    • File name: spline-time_northing_100.txt (Time & Northing, 100x interpolation)
  • 1000x interpolation points (36 MByte file size)
    • File name: spline-time_easting.txt (Time & Easting, 1000x interpolation)
    • File name: spline-time_northing.txt (Time & Northing, 1000x interpolation)

Tie shotpoint to nearest interpolated location

The following Python script ties the position of each shotpoint to interpolated values based on one-minute Survey logger data.

Example of print-out from this script. Parameter description:

#SP, date, time, Easting (UTM32N), Northing (UTM32N), Lat, Long, t1, deltaP, p1, p2, deltaT

The even first parameters are self-explanatory. The remaining are:

      t1 = Number of seconds since base time (midnight 24 October 2006)
  DeltaP = Distance [m] between SP position and nearest interpolated point along survey line.
      p1 = Easting of nearest interpolation point.
      p2 = Northing of nearest interpolation point.
  DeltaT = Time difference between original shotpoint time stamp (Eiva computer local clock)
           and the new interpolated time value.
000664 2006.10.25 00:56:50.541 301397.5 7040101.3 63.4338157905 5.0180210293 89810.413 0.3 301397.7 7040101.5 7.13
000665 2006.10.25 00:58:08.415 301197.5 7040102.9 63.4337186691 5.0140206963 89888.287 0.3 301197.7 7040103.1 6.76
000666 2006.10.25 00:59:26.289 300997.5 7040106.4 63.4336379840 5.0100183407 89966.161 0.7 300998.1 7040106.0 7.12
000667 2006.10.25 01:00:44.163 300797.4 7040111.9 63.4335750191 5.0060120408 90044.035 0.7 300797.3 7040112.5 6.84
000668 2006.10.25 01:02:02.636 300597.5 7040118.3 63.4335210933 5.0020061949 90122.508 0.6 300596.9 7040118.1 6.14
000669 2006.10.25 01:03:19.912 300397.5 7040123.3 63.4334532986 4.9980018094 90199.784 0.5 300397.6 7040123.8 6.93
000670 2006.10.25 01:04:37.786 300197.4 7040126.3 63.4333681428 4.9939982462 90277.658 0.4 300197.2 7040125.9 6.31
000671 2006.10.25 01:05:56.858 299997.4 7040134.0 63.4333254111 4.9899896377 90356.730 0.9 299997.7 7040134.9 7.16
000672 2006.10.25 01:07:14.133 299797.5 7040143.1 63.4332944039 4.9859820595 90434.005 0.7 299797.7 7040143.7 6.83
000673 2006.10.25 01:08:30.809 299597.5 7040150.2 63.4332452225 4.9819756453 90510.681 0.9 299597.5 7040149.3 6.97

Download final result files:

QC plot of results

Fig. 4: Plot of distance between shotpoint and nearest interpolated position.

Fig. 5: Plot of time difference between original time stamps (EIVA Survey computer local clock), and new interpolated shotpoint times.

Fig. 5 exhibits what at first view seems to be a strange periodicity. We believe the reason is the interference (or difference frequency) between shotpoint interval frequency, and one-minute position logging frequency, translated into the spatial (easting/northing) domain. When shotpoints are far from one-minute positions the interpolation has the lowest accuracy. Due to the interference, there are small regions of shotpoints that are far from one-minute positions.

It is not likely that the Eiva computer local clock should have a drift pattern as shown in fig. 5.

So when estimating time correction values from fig. 5 one should disregard the peaks and lows of the curve, and instead place a straight line through the stable intervals (follow the back of the "horses"). It appears that the delay increases from around 6.95 s in the start, to 7.3 at the end. We assume that the Eiva PC local clock has a linear time drift pattern. Around 0.3 seconds per day seems to be a reasonable figure.

Fig. 6 illustrates that the interpolated curve does not necessarily pass through all shotpoints. This explains why there can be a distance of several meters between a particular shotpoint, and the nearest interpolated point.

Fig. 6: Plot of Shotpoints, one-minute positions and interpolated positions.


This Python script will search the one-minute file for positions that are within a user-defined distance from the shotpoints. The distance limit is set to 1 m. Remember what was mentioned in the beginning: A 1 m distance uncertainty translates into approx 0.4 s time uncertainty (assuming 5 kt ship speed).

The results - for 1 m distance limit - are presented below. Parameter explanation:

  Column no:    Description
           1 :  EIVA SP
           2 :  EIVA Easting
           3 :  EIVA Northing
           4 :  EIVA Date
           5 :  EIVA Time
           6 :  One-min Easting
           7 :  One-min Northing
           8 :  One-min Date
           9 :  One-min Time
          10 :  Delta distance
          11 :  Delta time
000196 394979.08 7038165.61 2006-10-24 14:50:16.843000 394979.66 7038165.86 2006-10-24 14:50:09.970000 0.63 0:00:06.873000
000249 384384.46 7038386.68 2006-10-24 15:54:17.406000 384383.57 7038386.62 2006-10-24 15:54:10.740000 0.89 0:00:06.666000
000298 374588.65 7038593.12 2006-10-24 16:53:17.703000 374588.79 7038592.71 2006-10-24 16:53:10.540000 0.43 0:00:07.163000
000552 323799.10 7039643.70 2006-10-24 22:36:17.734000 323799.90 7039643.77 2006-10-24 22:36:10.340000 0.80 0:00:07.394000
000847 264787.21 7040850.75 2006-10-25 04:44:18.359000 264787.56 7040850.79 2006-10-25 04:44:11.050000 0.35 0:00:07.309000
000888 256583.92 7041035.54 2006-10-25 05:36:17.718000 256584.06 7041034.83 2006-10-25 05:36:10.870000 0.72 0:00:06.848000
000940 246178.26 7041239.36 2006-10-25 06:45:17.703000 246177.97 7041239.61 2006-10-25 06:45:10.630000 0.38 0:00:07.073000
001002 233770.89 7041492.60 2006-10-25 08:10:18.859000 233771.59 7041492.38 2006-10-25 08:10:11.330000 0.73 0:00:07.529000
001031 227967.15 7041621.67 2006-10-25 08:51:18.203000 227966.31 7041621.58 2006-10-25 08:51:11.190000 0.84 0:00:07.013000

A 0.5 m distance limit yields these matches:

000298 374588.65 7038593.12 2006-10-24 16:53:17.703000 374588.79 7038592.71 2006-10-24 16:53:10.540000 0.43 0:00:07.163000
000847 264787.21 7040850.75 2006-10-25 04:44:18.359000 264787.56 7040850.79 2006-10-25 04:44:11.050000 0.35 0:00:07.309000
000940 246178.26 7041239.36 2006-10-25 06:45:17.703000 246177.97 7041239.61 2006-10-25 06:45:10.630000 0.38 0:00:07.073000

Of the last three matches that are within 0.5 m, we have time deltas of 7.163, 7.309 and 7.073 s. As a further aid in determining the time difference, we plot these three shotpoints, together with corresponding positions from one-minute file:

Fig. 7: Plot of SP=298, and corresponding position in one-minute file. DeltaD: 0.43 m, DeltaT: 7.163 s.

Fig. 8: Plot of SP=847, and corresponding position in one-minute file. DeltaD: 0.35 m, DeltaT: 7.309 s.

Fig. 9: Plot of SP=940, and corresponding position in one-minute file. DeltaD: 0.38 m, Delta t = 7.073 s.

There is an important observation to be made. In fig. 7 and 8, the shotpoint occurs AFTER the corresponding one-minute position, while in fig. 9, it occurs BEFORE the one-minute position. This is because the line was traversed from EAST to WEST. So in the latter case, the time difference should be SMALLER then in the two first cases - and this is supported by the data. So the true time delay should be between 7.073 and a time represented by the two other figures - 7.309 and 7.163 s.

For the moment, let's concentrate on shotpoint pairs 847 and 940 that are near symmetrical on either side of corresponding one-minute positions. They are only two hours apart, so drift in Eiva local clock should be minimal. For SP=847 we have 0.35m/7.309s, and for SP=940 we have 0.38m/7.073s. To strengthen our argument, let's calculate how long it takes to travel 0.35 and 0.38 m, assuming ship's speed was 5 kt (2.57 m/s):

     Time to travel 35 cm @ 5 kt: 35/257 = 0.136 s
     Time to travel 38 cm @ 5 kt: 38/257 = 0.148 s

As SP=847 and SP=940 is symmetrical on each side of one-minute positions, the time difference - estimated from ship's speed alone - should be 0.136+0.148 = 0.284 s.

Compare this to the difference between times that were observed for the two symmetrical shotpoints 847 and 940: 7.309 - 7.073 = 0.236 s.

Let's choose 0.250 s as the time difference between these two symmetrical shotpoints. So for SP=847, we should subtract 0.250*(35/(35+38)) = 0.120 s, yielding 7.309 - 0.120 = 7.209 s. For SP=940, we should add 0.250*(38/(35+38)), yielding 7.073 + 0.130 = 7.203.

From this we estimate that there is a time difference of 7.2 s between EIVA local clock time stamps, and true UTC time. This value should be subtracted from the EIVA values.

This conclusion was based on data from two shotpoints, two hours apart. Let's check all shotpoints that lies less then 1 m from one-minute point.

SPDelta distanceDelta timeTime @ 5 ktAdd/subtractResult
0002980.430:00:07.1630000.167Note 1)-

Time @ 5 kt: 1/(1852*5/3600) * Delta distance. Add/subtract: If SP Easting is lower then one-min Easting, SP occurred AFTER one-min position. In that case, add.

Note 1): Position mainly changes in N-S direction. Discard.

The figures in the "Result" column suggest that there is a slight drift in the Eiva local clock during the time the line was shot. We could linearly apply 6.95 s correction for the first SP, and 7.30 for the last. This yields 0.35 s drift during the 24 hours it took to shoot the line.

The drift in time adjustment values can be seen in the figure below.

Fig. 11: Plot of time correction as function of shotpoint.

Disregarding outliers at SP=888 and 1031, and placing a straight line through the remaining points, one should have 6.95 s correction at SP=1 and 7.3 s correction at the last SP.


The following Python script performs:

  • Time correction
  • Offset adjustment to account for seismic source position relative to position reference point in ship
  • Generation of UKOOA file
  • Generation of plot file that can show old and new offset adjusted shotpoint positions
  • Listing of Python script. Δ
  • Download Smøla-2006 log file that is used as input for the script above.

The output files are here:

Plot of original (red) and adjusted (green) shotpoint positions illustrates how the vector based offset method works. A spline interpolation is probably more appropriate, but the increased precision is not deemed necessary. The vector based method is simple - spline interpolation requires a lot more programming effort, and the gain is marginal ...

Fig. 12: Plot of original (red) and offset adjusted (green) shotpoint positions, illustrating the effect of vector based offset method.


set grid
set xlabel "Time since midnight 24 Oct 2006 [s]"
set ylabel "Latitude [decimal degrees]"
set title "SMOLA-2006 Survey\nPlot of data subset - Latitude as function of time\nBoth raw data (red) and interpolated dataset (green)"
plot 'time_latitude.txt' with points pt 1, 'spline-time_lat.txt' with points pt 0
set xrange [74000:76000]
set xrange [70400:84600]


set grid
set xlabel "Shotpoint number"
set ylabel "Distance between SP position,\n and that of the nearest interpolated position [m]"
set title "S M O L A - 2 0 0 6   S U R V E Y\nShotpoint timestamp reconstruction\nDistance between SP position, \\
  and that of the nearest interpolated position.\n1000-point interpolation in green, 100-point interpolation in red."
plot 'result_100x_interpolation.txt' using 1:9 with points lt 1, 'result_1000x_interpolation.txt' using 1:9 with points lt 2

set ylabel "Time difference [s]"
set title ""S M O L A - 2 0 0 6   S U R V E Y\nShotpoint timestamp reconstruction\nTime difference between EIVA PC local clock and new timestamp values"
plot 'result_100x_interpolation.txt' using 1:12 with points lt 1, 'result_1000x_interpolation.txt' using 1:12 with points lt 2
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Page last modified on January 24, 2019, at 05:37 PM
Electronics workshop
Department of Earth Science - University of Bergen